VOL. 3, ISS. 11 | NOVEMBER 2017



Game Changers
In Season

Body for Life, 30 Years On

Look no further than co-creator Shawn Phillips for the future of the phenomenon.

Robin Rootenberg

Long before the selfie and social media, long before any of us knew about strategic angles and filters for our phone camera shots, the before-and-after photo was born. And we were transfixed by the raw images of people holding out the waistband of their far-too-large pants.

Shawn Phillips and his brother Bill sparked the phenomenon with Body for Life, a program that combined nutritional shakes and physical training for dramatic results. Phillips also is known for his own bodybuilding prowess, having a physique described as one of the most photographed of a generation and remarkable for Phillips’ symmetry and signature abs. 

Decades later, the program has evolved with greater scientific understanding of nutrition and mindset—as well as physical training—and it continues to transform the lives of thousands of people. Following the explosive success of Body for Life and related strength-building and performance and lifestyle nutrition ventures, Phillips wrote “
Strength for Life
” (Ballantine Books, 2008)—appropriately subtitled “The Fitness Plan for the Rest of Your Life”—and created a 
companion transformation program

24Life caught up with Philips and found out how his fitness philosophies have changed.


Bring us up to present-day. What have you been doing, and what did you learn from the early days?

Shawn Phillips (SP):

I turned away from bodybuilding into more of a holistic fitness in the early 90s, and together with my brother, we launched Metrics in 1991 and EAS sports nutrition in 1995. I built a couple of other companies, and then about eight, nine years ago, I started Full Strength Nutrition, and after that, I launched a program called Strength for Life. What I’ve learned over time and from talking a lot about transformation these days is [fitness needs to be] moving from a space of just being a physical movement to “beingness.” 


So Strength for Life takes a more holistic approach to fitness? 


I don’t try to get people to [follow] a list and a diet and a workout. I want people to get to a place of beingness where they are actually [living] in a healthy, vital way through freedom of choice, not through discipline. Discipline is great to get you started, but ultimately, beingness transcends motivation and discipline. If you’re aware of how your body’s feeling in the moment, if you’re aware of the foods you eat that don’t serve you, you don’t have to be on a diet because the diet is self-directive.

Discipline is great to get you started, but ultimately, beingness transcends motivation and discipline.


You also define strength differently; what does that word mean to you?


Ultimately, we’ve got to be accountable to our own strength, our own vitality. To me, strength is an integration of body, mind and spirit. It’s an abundance above and beyond [physicality]. I always say strength is the ability to give and contribute to others, not just survive yourself. 

A lot of people talk about health in a way that is an interesting dichotomy, because “health”—for most people, I believe—means the absence of illness, not the presence of anything. So you’re walking along with diabetes, 40 pounds overweight, and think, I don’t have cancer, so I’m healthy. It’s not health.


Body for Life was and is very results oriented. How much does that factor into your Strength for Life program?


For me, there’s something really valuable in the old-school strength training. … It’s really a practice about me versus something [else]. When you get to the domain of expertise, you’ll always find that the [experts] like doing the work. … There’s always something inside there that you weren’t looking for that you find. I like to say creativity isn’t thinking, it’s being out of the thinking mind and allowing [the unknown] to arise in the world. 


Your nutrition philosophy changed, too. What’s different?


Nourishment’s a word I use a lot. I think nutrition’s a very tactical thing. It’s more of a numbers game we can measure in calories. But nourishment to me is wholesome goodness. How am I feeding my body, mind and soul? How am I serving myself with this? Ultimately, [this approach] gets people to what I call nutritional freedom, which is really the ability to eat the foods that are best for you because they’re the foods you want the most. 

An athlete’s going to take in the fuel on the bike or during the run and is very intentional [about it]. What I eat is going to be applied to the next hour or two of my life. Well, how is that any different from how an executive or a mother or father shows up in their day? How I eat is going to affect how and if I show up in the rest of my day. 

Nourishment to me is wholesome goodness. How am I feeding my body, mind and soul?


Has the concept of nourishment changed your overall thinking about health, as well? 


A lot of people say, “I want to get better” at something or in something. [The better measurement is] how am I resourced? That goes back to strength. Strength is about having an abundance and not always being just on the edge of bankruptcy, physical, energetic bankruptcy. 


What are some of the questions you still get asked, and how do you answer?


One of the questions I get is, “I’ve gotten off track. How do I get back on?” You just do. You don’t beat yourself up. You don’t dramatize it. You just choose to get back on. 

Phil Mickelson is the most famous golfer in the world for coming in second. [At the 2013] British Open, he was into the final day with a 5-stroke lead, and at the 12th hole, he just duffed his second shot out into nowhere. He looked at his caddie and he smiled and said, “That was the best shot I had in me.” Then he hit the second shot in, parred the hole and won the Open. 

That’s it: The moment where you just say I’m going to let it go, play it where it lies and move on. When people build a history of fitness, they have a movie running in their head that says, “I failed this many times” or “I struggle at this” or “I’m no longer any good at it.” The reality is you can just let the tape go at any moment, start anew and do your best.


What’s the best workout to do?


The workout you will do is the best workout you should do. Pick the workout. Don’t spend a bunch of time debating it. Don’t compare it to your friend’s workout. Just do the workout. It’s not three sets of this, five sets of that. We overthink it. The reality is quantum change comes from simple things repeated every damn day, right?


Still, people aren’t always sure where to get started. What do you tell people who don’t know where to start?


Sometimes I just start them on a bench press because there’s something amazing about the act of pushing and pressing—it’s a real metaphor for pushing into the world. Because so often the world’s coming over us … but when we push into the world, there’s a certain power and release in that, and we can start to feel our strength. Find an exercise that’s not going to overwhelm you [and repeat it] until your body starts to feel it, and focus on it, really be aware of what you’re doing with your body. That’s when the mind and body start to connect to one another. And that’s not going to happen in a day.

Find an exercise that’s not going to overwhelm you [and repeat it] until your body starts to feel it.


These days, you also cycle. Has that changed your fitness philosophy?


What I’ve found is cycling has brought that same level of intensity and challenge [as strength training]. Cycling brings in what I learned from strength training, which is how to push the edge, how to find and dance with the red line, meaning I climb to a point where I don’t know if I can go any farther and then everything just focuses in. It may be one more pedal stroke, one more rep, one more, one more. No more, no less.

I began cycling in the first place because my buddy was going to ride the Triple Bypass for his 40th birthday. It’s 13,000 vertical feet over three peaks in Colorado. Well, you can’t fake that. I had to find my way into that different version of a spandex pant and become a cyclist. What works for me is community. I find people I can hang with because I wouldn’t go out if they weren’t expecting me to be there. 

The guys that taught me how to ride took me out, taught me what cadence was and how to move my bike. Three years later, I was taking new people out to [the same] rides. Ultimately, that’s the difference between someone who gets in shape and someone who gets transformed: People who stay fit after a transformation, who really are transformed, always give it away. They’re always giving it away, they’re always teaching. 


So many of us give up on our fitness dreams. Why do you think that is? 


A friend of mine who’s a doctor found that people are already exhausted, they’re stressed out, fatigued, and then they add this stress called diet and exercise. The body doesn’t go, “Oh, that’s a positive stress.” It just goes, “More stress.” And so it starts to shut down. 

It’s not that your willpower failed you. We don’t climb Mount Everest, we go to base camp and acclimate. So Strength for Life has a 12-day reboot, which is a way to help the body acclimate so it can be ready to perform. Heal it first with six simple practices. It’s removing things and setting a little framework that helps people come back to [start] the fitness transformation program from a position of strength.

Strength for Life has a 12-day reboot, which is a way to help the body acclimate so it can be ready to perform.


Let’s face it, appearance still has huge appeal. Is there a more important reason for people to be interested in transformation? 


I wrote about this in “Strength for Life.” You can get away with murder in your 20s if you don’t get caught physically. In your 30s, most people fake the last half decade. They have some momentum. In the last half decade, they try to pretend like they’re not crashing. But how you live from 40 to 50 is going to dictate how and if you live the rest of your life, and now it starts to become serious. It’s real. It’s not just vanity.

Want more Shawn?  Discover the 
Zen of strength
, write a 
blueprint for your fitness success
, and get 
 for your transformation. 
For deeper insights and game changing fitness tips visit
Photography: Windstar,
Grooming: Jessica Chynoweth,

About Robin Rootenberg

Robin Rootenberg is managing editor for 24Life. Nothing makes her happier than the possibility of one more person rediscovering the joy of movement, or trying something new. (Remember what it felt like to just run, when you were a kid? Or the surprise of your first kumquat?) A UC Berkeley grad, her writing and communications career spans more than two decades, and she’s been running for even longer.

“Great things in business are never done by one person. They're done by a team of people.”

— Steve Jobs

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