VOL. 3, ISS. 8 | AUGUST 2017




Full Immersion

Lashaun Dale


Summer. If it was longer, would we still love it as much? We venture to say yes, we would! Never mind the length of the season, the goal is to make the most of it. So let’s get at it! August is your last chance to achieve that summer body and move it across the terrains you have dreamed of. And go ahead and tackle that project you promised yourself you would finally do.

Immersion is the key. It taps into new states of being and possibility we didn’t know existed. There are many ways in—find yours. We are here to help, and it is our vision that you will read through these articles as you watch the sun setting from the porch—or take a break from beach volleyball, or chill out on a picnic blanket—anywhere with your loved ones, drinking in nature and the luxury of time that summer gives us. We hope that you get a chance to explore valleys and mountains and that along the way you are fully present to milk each moment for a new memory. (It’s fine to add a selfie too.) 

So off you go! A world of experience calls. Pack well, eat well, and most of all, take time to enjoy being alive!


As summer’s end looms on the horizon, I always find myself in a bit of a metaphysical panic. (Yes, that is a thing.) I feel as if I didn’t get enough summer in!

My kids are a season older, tanned and showing signs of happy days spent outdoors playing and connecting with life and nature—but I want more. More memories, more magical moments. More time. Why is it that we live for the shorter special occasions of life? The weekends, the vacations, the big moments like birthdays, holidays, summers. It is as if the bookends we create to hold the books in place are more meaningful than the books in between. We mark the moment we rise and the moment we go to rest, yet what of the day in between?

And how do we measure a season? What passes for a good day? How do we measure a life? Here is a hint: It is not quantitative—it is a matter of quality. And completely subjective. The power of a book is the message it contains and its ability to awaken a deeper part of ourselves. The power in our lives is what happens between the moments, the reflections on what mattered, and the realizations about who we are and what we truly want. Sometimes we have to get lost to get found. 

If you are asking yourself similar questions, we want to point you in the right direction. This Field Guide is dedicated to the art of exploration, deep discovery and the exquisite experience of getting lost in something deeply, whether it is your work, a good sweaty strength session or a feel-good stretch, a nap, or a new experience. We hope you will commit to getting lost so deeply that you can finally hear yourself think and remember not only who you are but what you are about—and in doing so, realize what matters most.

Each article in this issue is designed to give you inspiration and instruction to get outside, connect differently, listen differently and explore more. Our cover story with Cassey Ho is a road map to exploring life with a fierce attitude of positivity and service and a whole lot of fun! So this month, try new food, stretch your idea of a workout, and immerse yourself once and for all in your body, your relationships and your life.

Go on, get back out there, wander, wonder and get lost, knowing that whatever treasures you find, you get to keep for life.

— Lashaun
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Photo credit (hero): yossarian6, AdobeStock

About Lashaun Dale

Lashaun Dale loves yoga and fitness and finds magic in movement, music and mobs of people. She holds degrees in International Relations, Philosophy and Applied Anthropology, as well as an MPH from the School of Public Health at Columbia University in New York. With two decades of group fitness programming experience, Dale currently serves as Vice President of Content & Programming for 24 Hour Fitness and editor-in-chief of 24Life Magazine. A regular contributor to SELF, Women’s Health and Fitness as well as popular blogs and podcasts, she’ll teach yoga anytime she is given an opportunity to get her OM on.

“Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.”

— Henry David Thoreau
