VOL. 3, ISS. 8 | AUGUST 2017




Take Your Insights Forward


It has been said that August is like the Sunday of summer. And it’s best to make full and good use of it as it sets the tone for all that follows. The days will get shorter, time will pass, and as we get a little closer to the other side of the year, we hope to be that much closer to our dreams, our goals and the life we wish for ourselves. Take time this month to eat real food, indulge in what you love, move more, laugh out loud and completely cherish as many unscheduled days as possible.

Song lyrics often mention slowing down time, turning it back to the good old days, but what if we could alter our experience of time? What if there was a way to stretch those precious moments? We think there is, but it isn’t something you can buy or anything that requires a major sweat or hustle. It is about presence of mind. It’s a state of knowing and a shift in your mindset to practice intentional presence and conscious living in every area of your life. When we immerse ourselves deeply in challenging, new adventures and ideas, we grow deeply internally, which allows us to be more present to the greater story and world outside of us.

May you get lost in new ideas and found in new understanding, and may this month’s workouts, recipes and tips for living inspire you fully for all 24 hours of your life.

— 24Life
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Photo credit (hero): sponge_Po, AdobeStock

“Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.”

— Henry David Thoreau
